Tag Archives: lost

Lesson of the Day: If You Put Things Where They Don’t Belong…

Today’s Lesson: If you put things where they don’t belong, then you’ll find them when you least expect it.

Back in July, when Callan was nearing his big 0.5, I dragged out the highchair – or what I could find of it. I spent a few days searching for the liner and straps. I swear I dug through every box that could possibly have it inside and a whole bunch that couldn’t. I looked under the stairs, in every closet, all through the basement storage room. In the end, I gave up. I didn’t even wind up going to the fabric store and picking up new webbing for straps. By the time I reconciled myself to the fact that I wouldn’t find the original straps anytime soon, I had discovered that Callan could stay in the seat perfectly well with the hip straps and the tray holding him in place.

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Filed under Baby, In the Kitchen, Lesson of the Day

Lesson of the Day: If You Don’t Remember Where You Put It…

Today’s lesson: If you don’t remember where you put it, how are you going to find it?

A few weeks ago, we bought Aiden a new watch. The idea behind it was that he could go out and play with his friends and know what time he had to come home. More-so, I wanted him to have a watch when school started because last year he was coming home 20 minutes later than he was told to (I didn’t realize it took an hour for a 15-minute walk down the street) which led me to believe that he had no sense of time whatsoever. So he picked out a fancy Indiglo model that had a Velcro strap. It looked really cute on him (don’t tell him I called him cute, he might squeal and run away covering his head for fear that kisses may follow).

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Filed under Lesson of the Day, Stepping Up