Monthly Archives: July 2011

Lesson of the Day: If You Take Something Apart and Save it for Later…

Lesson-3-Lose one

With the little one’s big 0.5 looming on the horizon, I figured it would be a good idea to get the high chair all set up and ready to go. We had picked up a Safety 1st seat that straps to a chair for our fist guy since we didn’t have lots of space in the apartment for a full chair. The beauty of that chair was that you could take it apart in stages to fit your child’s needs.The problem is that it is now “Lot 6-6-6, a highchair in pieces.” Not that it’s up for auction, just that was scattered all over the apartment as we took it apart and then all over the house after we moved. I have thus far managed to find three pieces: the seat, the back, and the tray. “Not Bad!” you might think…except that the shoulder straps are with the lining that is currently M.I.A.

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Filed under Baby, In the Kitchen, Lesson of the Day

Liam’s Book Club: Brown Bear Brown Bear

As far back as I can remember, I have loved books. I have memories of asking my parents for “just $5” so that I could pick up the newest book of whatever series or author I was reading at the time…you know, back when kids’ books were just $4.95. Prices may have changed, but the anticipation that I get from a new book still hasn’t. This is something I’m trying to pass on to the boys so that they too can enjoy wonderful new worlds at the turn of a page. As a result, we have tons of books in out house for a variety of ages. There are definitely some stand-outs (the nine-year-old devoured the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series) that I intend to highlight here.

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

Occasionally, someone in the house says something that’s outright funny or oh so cute. When I’m lucky, I manage to jot it down for later. Below is a compiled list of several of the more notable quotes from the past year.

Liam: “Look Mommy, I did it!” I turned around to find him completely naked and holding the Pull-Up that he had just taken off.

Liam: “Mama, I put my shirt on!” And so he had…at least his head was through the neck hole and one arm was in a sleeve (albeit the wrong one), and the best part was that he still had his Star Wars shirt on under his PJ top.

Liam: “Whoa, I popped my nose!”

Me: “Shirt!” Liam: “No!” Me: “Well you can’t be naked.” Liam: “I’m not naked!” And in truth he wasn’t since he was wearing a diaper and socks.

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Lesson of the Day: $120 Goes a Long Way…


Food is a major issue in our house. This is mostly because we’ve spent the last year trying to come up with foods that the oldest boy would eat in a reasonable time, although recently, the toddler has been proving difficult to feed as well. We’ve finally hit on a few things that they will eat and I’m in the process of setting up a two or three week dinner schedule to get me organized. In the meantime, we were down to next to no meat in our freezer and needed to restock. We had managed to go months with only buying the occasional package of hamburger, or easy to cook beef for stir-fry while using up our stock, but it was time for a Costco run.

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Filed under In the Kitchen, Lesson of the Day

Cherry, Apple, Peach, Oh My!

A bowlful of our delicious dessert from Thursday night

Every summer, we end up buying piles of fresh fruit. This is partially in an attempt to get the boys to eat more fruit and partially because we love fruit. Unfortunately, we don’t always get to eat it all before it starts to go bad. I’ve recently made the decision to start using the fruit up faster and stop worrying about who might have wanted to eat it as it was. So on Wednesday, I made strawberry shortcake to get rid of most of the strawberries that we bought over the weekend. Then, starting Wednesday night, I couldn’t stop thinking about combining peaches and cherries (both of which we had in our fridge).

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